Thursday, 18 December 2008

Be strong and know I am with you

My child so tender, cry not for the broken dreams of today,
As we commend your cherished pet unto the ground,
cry not for the friend who now lies still,
nor for the milk that fell and pooled,
and frustrated you as you tried to drink.

I will be there to be your guide,
to help correct the things I can,
to understand that one so young,
cannot defend from pain so deep.

Today's sorrows will fade yet more will come,
and I promise not to join the lines,
of people who will seek to hurt,
and to deceive on every turn.

As you awaken to this life,
you will be hurt, of that I am sure,
your tender heart will face attack,

And grief, hate and tragedy will become
familiar faces upon life's tempestuous seas.
Yet do not let despair paint ugly scars across that heart,
fight on through the storms to face the light.

For your heart is worth more than gold to me
At every step I shall defend you,
with more strength than I would defend myself.

It matters not if this is today,
with milk and glass upon the floor,
or thirty years from now when
things all turn to dust before your eyes
and threaten to break you, as I know they will.

There is no price that can be put upon,
what you gave to me by just being here,
so as always I swear to never charge,
nor place a condition upon,
what I will always gladly do for you,
I say this from the goodness
and strength of my heart,
that you created when you were born.

So be strong my child, for more tears are to come,
and remember that when you are in your
most joyous moments, or your darkest hour,
you can call my name,

And I will be there.

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